CANCER: Types, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention....
Cancer can be defined as uncontrolled cell growth which results in the formation of tumors and
spread throughout the body. According to sources, every 6th death which takes place is caused by
cancer. The cell which turns into the cancerous cell loose the ability to stop dividing and die. They do
not follow apoptosis i.e. the programmed cell death.
Cancer starts with the formation of a tumor (swelling of a part of the body due to abnormal growth of cells). Tumors are of two types:
● Benign or noncancerous: The tumor does not spread to other cells or parts of the body. It remains confined to only the affected area.
● Malignant or cancerous: the tumor spreads from the affected area to other cells and parts of the body i.e. it shows metastasis.
The cancer cells can affect:
● The urinary bladder
● Kidney
● Breast
● Pancreas
● Bone marrow
● Mouth
Cancer can be caused due to the effect of many conditions, some of which are:
● U.V rays or radiations- The U.V rays or the radiation causes the change in the genetic code in the DNA, resulting in the mutation in the cells, which may turn the normal cell into the cancerous cell.
● Smoking and alcoholism- Smoking and drinking excessive alcohol may result in mutations which can lead to cancer.
● Genetic: Some of the cancer depends upon the family history, if cancer is common in one's family them there is possibility that it will be transferred from generation to generation.
● Environment: Nowadays air is getting polluted day by day i.e. increasing the presence of chemicals in the air. Which may cause mutations eventually leading to cancer.
The person suffering from cancer may show the following symptoms:
● Hardening or lumping in the area which is affected
● Changes in the colour of the skin around the affected area
● Persistent cough
● Unexplained fever
These symptoms can help the patient to identify whether he has cancer or not.
● Surgery: The cancerous cells are removed from the body via surgery. It is very helpful if the cancerous cells are confined to a single place .
● Radiation therapy: It requires high doses of radiation to kill the cancerous cells
● Chemotherapy: The drugs are used to eradicate cancer from the body. Due to the usage of high dosage of drugs, the patient may loose his/her hair.
● Immunotherapy: The immune system of the body is helped to fight cancer with certain drugs.
Cancer can be avoided by:
● Avoiding tobacco: The major risk factor of developing mouth cancer can be reduced with the reduction of intake of tobacco.
● Healthy lifestyle: The healthy lifestyle includes eating a good diet, avoiding junk foods which can cause cancer.
○ Reducing obesity can also help to prevent the cancer.
● Protecting from the sun: The U.V rays results in mutations which can eventually cause cancer, avoiding sun can reduce the risk of developing cancer.
● Medical aid: If someone is showing symptoms for developing cancer, he/she should immediately consult a doctor because early stages of cancer are treatable.
Nice and informative