
Is Viagra helpful or not ?

Is Viagra Helpful or not?  Viagra a medicine, which munching the mind of teenagers. We all come to listen this name in our daily life . Viagra is a brand name for SILDENAFIL CIGRATE ( a drug that helps in erectile dysfunction)  . Viagra helps in erectile dysfunction to the males by increasing the blood flow in the male sexual organ ( penis).  Originally developed by the scientists in United States and brought up in the market by Pfizer; a pharmaceutical company in United States.  KEEP THAT IN MIND ; Viagra can help men who can’t achieve or sustain an erection due to erectile dysfunction. It improves the erectile response when a man is already sexually stimulated . Viagra doesn’t provide any sexual stimulation. If there is no sexual stimulation , Viagra will not work.  HOW IT WORKS ; When sexual stimulation occurs,  nitric oxide is released by the nervous system in the erectile tissue of the penis. Nitric oxide stimulates an enzyme that produces messe

Diabetes Mellitus; Types, Symptoms, Risk factors, Treatment, Prevention......

Diabetes mellitus; Glucose serves as an energy source in our body. The inability to maintain the blood glucose level results in diabetes. According to the WHO, people suffering from diabetes have increased from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014. What controls the level of glucose; Insulin and glucagon controls glucose levels in the body. Both the hormones are produced from the pancreas. However, insulin is released when the blood glucose levels are high and glucagon is produced when the blood glucose levels are low. Types of Diabetes;  Diabetes is basically of two types : ● TYPE 1: Diabetes type 1 is characterized by the failure of the body to produce insulin. Patients having diabetes type 1 are insulin-dependent i.e. they need artificial insulin in order to survive. ● TYPE 2: Diabetes type 2 is characterized by the inability of the insulin-producing cells to respond to the stimulus effectively as it used to. Type 2 diabetes is more common according


QUALITATIVE TEST FOR CARBOXYLIC ACID Qualitative test is defined as the parameter through which we identify any elements or any compounds in a given sample. The way of identification may be physical or chemical. OR,  may be can perform any reaction through which identity the specific type of elements. CARBOXYLIC ACID; Of the organic compound that show appreciable acidity, by far the most important are the carboxylic acid. These compounds contain the carboxyl group; THE REQUIRED TEST’S; 1. LITMUS TEST; First, and most important, there is the fact that carboxylic acids are acids at all.  So, as we all know that acids convert blue litmus to red. In the same manner carboxylic acid do the same converts blue litmus to red. Hydroxyl group in carboxylic acid is more acidic than in alcohol.           2. SODIUM BICARBONATE TEST; Carboxylic acid reacts with sodium bicarbonate to evolve CO2 gas which can be seen in the form of brisk effervescence. The reaction; 3.

CANCER: Types, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention....

CANCER Cancer can be defined as uncontrolled cell growth which results in the formation of tumors and spread throughout the body. According to sources, every 6th death which takes place is caused by cancer. The cell which turns into the cancerous cell loose the ability to stop dividing and die. They do not follow apoptosis i.e. the programmed cell death. TYPES : Cancer starts with the formation of a tumor (swelling of a part of the body due to abnormal growth of cells). Tumors are of two types: ● Benign or noncancerous: The tumor does not spread to other cells or parts of the body. It remains confined to only the affected area. ● Malignant or cancerous: the tumor spreads from the affected area to other cells and parts of the body i.e. it shows metastasis. The cancer cells can affect: ● The urinary bladder ● Kidney ● Breast ● Pancreas ● Bone marrow ● Mouth CAUSES : Cancer can be caused due to the effect of many conditions,


WATER THE RESOURCE THAT HELPS YOU IN WEIGHT LOSS . These types of stuff you may heard  many times.  Right? Is  really it works or not?  Yes it is! 100% it works. Water is a natural and 100 % calorie free ingredients. Now come to the point, what are the aspects of water? How it's gonna help you? ASPECTS ; •Water enchaces the metabolic rate of the body.  • Water is a natural appetite suppressant  • Water is 100 % calorie free.  • Water keeps the body hydrated.  • Water helps to maintain the fluid balance of the body.  FACTORS THAT HELP YOU OUT;  (In reducing weight ) 1. It's a calorie free ingredient : If you take any beverages it's obvious that it contains some calories. But if we take water in any quantity, it have 0 calorie. So it's the things to notify and replace any type of beverages with water.  2. It's an appetite suppressant : If you are hungry, you wanna eat.  At that point of time if you drink enough amount of water. Then


                  TUBERCULOSIS ; Tuberculosis is infectious which mainly affects the lungs. It is caused by bacteria named Mycobacterium tuberculosis. If it is not treated, it can be fatal to the patient suffering from it. It is a contagious disease i.e. it can spread from one person to another. According to sources in 2015, 1.8 million people died from the disease, with 10.4 million people suffering from it. TYPES; Generally, tuberculosis is of 2 types: 1) Latent tuberculosis: The infectious bacteria resides in the body but does not show any signs or symptoms. 2) Active tuberculosis: The infectious bacteria present in the body starts showing signs and symptoms and can also spread from person to person. CAUSES; Tuberculosis is a contagious disease i.e. it can spread from one person to another through the small droplets present in the air when a person coughs, sneezes, or spits. The main causative agent is Mycobacterium tuberculosis Peop


    QUALITIES THAT A PHARMACIST SHOULD HAVE. You all are aware of the fact that health care profession are money making. Right! Then you all should also have to be aware about these facts also;  In this era of development everyone tries to be professional and it's also the demand of time. Being in the field of health care, one should have to be professional up to the mark. So if you are a pharmacist or opt pharmacy as your career , you should must have to go through this article and find out the qualities that a pharmacist should have;  1. Accountability   Being accountable to someone is not just a matter of saying but have to very prompt about the responsibility . In the field of health there is no room for mistakes. Everyone should have to aware that its a matter of life and death.  2. Accuracy  Being a pharmacist,  it's our duty to dispense the medications in a proper and accurate manner. If we don't pay our full attention there then it